Thursday, September 13, 2018

Written Kitten

One of the absolutely lovely things about being a college student is that most of the papers we are assigned come with a required word count. Papers with word counts can sometimes be a nuisance as it can be difficult to track, not to mention boring to write. That's where Written Kitten comes in to save the day. Written Kitten is an easy to use website that shows you your word count as you type and lets you know every time you type a preset amount of words. At the bottom of the screen, you can choose for a new picture of a kitten, puppy, or bunny to pop up on the screen for every 100, 200, 500, or 1000 words you type. It's a super cute way to type up your essay while keeping track of how much you've done and how much you have left to do. Even while working on this blog post, I was greeted by an adorable puppy about halfway through writing it. I mean, who wouldn't want to be surprised with a picture of a cute animal while they work?

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