Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Edmodo is a secure social networking site that allows you to communicate with students. It also serves as a learning management tool. This website allows you to create a Classroom Community. Teachers are able to post assignments, create polls, and even post classroom notifications. Students are able to check upcoming homework due dates, quiz dates, test dates and much more! Edmodo incorporates technology in classroom which helps engages students and work collaboratively if needed. Teachers would need to create an account, register your class, and your students also, they are able to invite parents if they would wish to! If I would have an Edmodo account, I would invite parents because then parents are able to view and remind their children when they have upcoming assignments. Also, I would upload class notes/homework so if any student is absent they are able to log in to Edmodo and retrieve the notes/homework they missed on a specific date.

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