Wednesday, September 26, 2018


       We live in a world were pictures and videos are part of this generation's communication system. As a teacher we are always looking for ways to have our students engage with one another outside of the classroom. Flipgrid is a website that addresses this challenge. How this works is that the teacher creates a specific "grid" about a certain topic and post a question or discussion for their students to participate in. Using the code provided to access the grid, the students then answer the question but instead of typing out their responses they record a video of themselves and post it on the grid. The video recording range from a minute to three minutes. Students can then look at other responses and comment on each other's post. This a fun and entertaining way of getting your students to start thinking about certain topics that are being presented or as method for them to open up and express themselves without the pressure of doing it in front of a class. I think this would be very useful in a classroom because the students will enjoy doing this and be able to have well-developed responses.
Image result for flipgrid release date 

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