Thursday, September 13, 2018


Teachers, do you struggle with finding articles for your students to read? Do you find it difficult to find documents that all of your students will be able to understand? Do you want to make sure your students are engaged with their reading? Well, I have the perfect website for you. Newsela offers thousands of different articles for any subject that you teach! Within each subject, there are articles for different grade levels, reading skill levels, and of different lengths. And for each article, students have the option to change their reading difficulty level, this way you can make sure all of your students can read the same article and that all of them can understand it. At the end of each article, there is also a short quiz to check student engagement and reading comprehension. Teachers, you can assign an article to your class through the website and have their grades reported to you, you can even add in an additional short answer question on the site to make sure your students understood a specific point or can tie the article into whatever you are discussing in class. It's perfect!

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