Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Book Creator

       Are you a teacher that enjoys reading? Wouldn't be amazing to have books with your particular subject area? Is there a way to create your own? Well Book Creator has the thing for you. Book Creator is an innovative and creative website that allows users to create their own books in various shapes, sizes, and styles. You start off by going on their website: Book Creator. Once you sign up, the first thing you do is you choose what type of frame you want for the book. Afterwards, you begin editing your book with the various editing tools. Some of the amazing editing tools include importing pictures, a camera, a touchscreen pen, and they even allow you to record your voice throughout the book! Once you have finish letting your imagine run wild you can print it out or publish online where they will give you a private link to share with your students.
        This website could be used for students of all ages. Teachers could create books that assist elementary kids learn different sounds such as their vowels and consonants. High School English teachers could inspire their students to write a book about a specific theme or have them publish a book review. Science geeks could create a text on the different types of energy with interactive videos. The possibilities are endless. This website really focuses on engaging students to want to read more and learn more about a particular topic.

Image result for book creator

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