Saturday, September 22, 2018

Codio - Virtual Software Development Environment for Education

Having highly-skilled software developers and engineers will be a industry need for years to come.  As schools continue to integrate software development into the K-12 curriculum, looking for ways to reduce the boundaries for students to enter the programs will be a necessity.  Traditionally, there were high infrastructure demands for teaching software development: servers, high-end computers, large computer labs, etc. This made it difficult for schools to properly implement a proper development environment.  Codio is a great tool to reduce the capital boundaries facing schools. Codio is designed for Computer Science teachers to implement a shared virtual development environments for students. These environments can be pre-configured for a specific assignment and will allow students to access their code from any computer.  Being a cloud-based platform removes the need for an expensive, high-end computer for students, opening up the program to more schools. In addition to the student benefits, there are many great tools for teachers. Everything from code submission, plagiarism validation, grade tracking, group collaboration, and integration into popular education software (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.) make this tool a must have.  If I teach programming, I would highly recommend this platform to the administration, as it does have a school based subscription. Overall, I love Codio and have been looking for a reason to use it.

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