Thursday, September 13, 2018


Trying to figure out have to fun with your students, but don't want to sacrifice learning the material? You need to check out Kahoot! Kahoot is an online quiz game that you can play with your entire class. How it works is that you log on to Kahoot through a computer and create a quiz for the class. It's super easy to do. When quiz time comes, you log on to Kahoot and pull up the quiz you created on your computer and project it onto a wall or screen for the class to see. Once you hit play, Kahoot will provide you with a Game PIN that your students need to enter on the Kahoot App or on on their phones/computers. Once everyone has entered the Game PIN, let the game commence! the questions and answer choices will appear on your computer/screen and students will select the answer they think is right on their phones/computers Players get points for answering the questions correctly and for answering them quickly.  As you play, Kahoot will keep track of the scores, and at the end of the game, you will have access to the list of scores. You could even decide to give extra credit to the winners if you'd like to provide a prize. It's a super fun way to check your students' knowledge!

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