Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Chegg is a website that offers several services to aid students. Chegg has 3 primary learning purposes, along with some other resources available to anyone for a subscription fee of $14.95 per month. The first use of Chegg is its textbooks. Chegg has over 22,000 textbooks that it not only rents out, but also provides solutions for problems found in the textbooks. This is the most used portion of Chegg, sometimes without the greatest purposes as students often use Chegg to cheat without actually understanding the problem, but if used Properly Chegg can be a more invaluable asset than a professor. Chegg's solutions are submitted by verified "tutors" from all around the world, who are able to answer questions through the websites comment system. The second purpose of Chegg allows members to post questions they are struggling with, state what parts they do not understand, which prompts a tutor to assist you. These questions are public to all members, so if a certain type of problem may prove challenging to multiple people, any member can view, understand, and comment on previously answered questions. The final purpose of Chegg is 1 on 1 tutoring. 1 on 1 tutoring is the most direct way of learning through Chegg, as your tutor is sitting at your computer working through things with you in real time. Questions can be asked and answered, work can be checked, papers can be proofread, the 1 on 1 tutoring experience offers a wide variety of services as Chegg has a multitude of different types of tutors. Chegg also offers a textbook rental and purchasing service, which is generally much cheaper than university bookstores.

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