Thursday, September 13, 2018

Rate My Professor

Alright, students, we all know how hard it can be to register for the next semesters' classes. You have to keep track of your requirements, class times, and most importantly, the professors that teach the courses. No matter what class you sign up for, a good or bad professor can make or break you. So you need to find a way to verify that the professor you signed up with is good at what they do. Luckily, someone already thought of this and came up with Rate My Professor. Rate My Professor is a website where students look up professors from colleges across the world and rate them on a variety of categories so that future students will know who exactly they are signing up for. When rating a professor, you list what class you had with them and then you give an overall score between 1 and 5, an overall difficulty between 1 and 5, and state whether or not you would take this professor again. You also assign a few tags to the professor, such as 'caring' or 'lecture heavy', you then can opt to write out a short review of the professor. Don't worry, this is completely anonymous, and your professor will never know what you said about them. Using the comments from previous students, incoming students can decide if a professor is right for them or if they should rethink their schedule. This is definitely a lifesaver!

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