Thursday, September 13, 2018

Self Control

So, you're sitting down to crank out a huge term paper at the last minute. You cleared your schedule, got all set up, and are ready to go. You're logging on to your computer to write the paper of your life when you notice that Chris Evans just retweeted you! Of course, you have to go check it out! Next thing you know it's 3 hours later and all you have managed to do is watch a YouTube series about 1850s German chocolate and take a dozen Buzzfeed quizzes where you discovered that you are a combination of a corn dog and an opal and your spirit animal is a quokka. Now, you're looking at no sleep and a world of hurt. If only you had some self-control. Good thing Self Control is here to help. Self Control is an app that forces you to work on your homework by literally blocking you from distracting websites like Twitter, YouTube, and Amazon. After you install the app on your computer, you create a blacklist and a whitelist. The blacklist is a list of websites you want Self Control to block your from, while the whitelist is a list of sites that you want Self Control to only let you on. Then, just choose which list you want to activate, set the timer, and hit start. Self Control will then bar you from accessing the blacklisted sites, or bar you from leaving the whitelisted sites. One more thing, you can't end the timer early no matter what. Bye, bye distractions!

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