Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Understanding the strengths of our students is one of the most important things we can do as educators. Thrively is a free software that simplifies the process of assessing our students' strengths and identifying the most effective ways with which to engage them in the learning process.

The program focuses on four components: self-awareness, creating impact, finding purpose, and building skills. The "journey" is student-centered, focusing on their self-improvement and progress towards accomplishing goals that they have identified for themselves, as well as learning skills that are applicable in real-world settings. Regardless of whether you're teaching elementary, middle school, or high school, the program can be tailored for your students' needs and their stages in both their education and career preparations.

Features of Thrively include:

  • Strength and interest assessments
  • Analysis of learning styles (i.e. visual, kinesthetic, auditory, etc.)
  • Goal-tracking
  • Digital portfolios
  • Personal reflection journals
  • Career exploration
  • Projects based on passion and integrated activities
  • Team-building exercises and collaborative learning
  • Parent participation
  • Class insights and analytics

And, to top it all off, you can easily integrate it with your existing Google Classroom. Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy.

One caveat: joining to access the basics is free, but for the full suite of features, you'll have to spend $99/year for every 30 students/single classroom. Alternatively, schools and districts are able to request quotes for building-wide implementation, so if you feel this software would be beneficial beyond your own classroom, it may be worth the suggestion!

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