Saturday, September 15, 2018


Powerpoints, keynotes, google slides. They’re all great but how many times have we used them? Everyone uses them and we already know what to expect from a visual standpoint. Let me introduce you to Prezi! Prezi, short for presentation is a visual storytelling software that helps students, teachers and others present information to an audience. Instead of the traditional slide-based format, Prezi is more of a map-like overview. It gives the audience a birds-eye view of the information being presented. Prezi is also a FREE application to use so put away those credit cards and make an account!
Personal Experience: Prezi is a great presentation tool to use in the classroom. I have used it many times and my audience is automatically hooked and more engaged then they would be during a traditional slide-based presentation. There are many cool themes to choose from and the layout is very visually appealing. It is also a very easy application to use so if you’re not tech-savvy, don't worry. Prezi’s layout makes it easy for anyone to use.

(175 words)

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