Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Quizlet is a website that allows anyone to create study guides, flashcards and other cool study tips. For example, I use Quizlet to create tests as study guides. Not only do you create tests and study guides but the website will take the information you've entered (your study material), and it will create games to play that help you learn. I think this website can be used for any age as long as they are able to use the internet! One thing that is unique about Quizlet is that you can create "study cards" and you have the option of making them public. Thus, you can go into the search bar and search different criteria whether it be key words, type of class, school, etc. the search engine really makes searching for others' study cards so easy.For teachers, I think this is a great study tool for students because instead of the typical study guide, you could create a study guide online and share it with your students.

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