Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Avida-ED is a program created by Michigan State University, and was the winner of the 2017 International Society for Artificial Life Education and Outreach Award. The software shows how evolution can occur in an organism through mutation, and changes in the organism's environment. As a result it is an excellent choice for use in a High school Biology Class, as it allows the student to watch evolution as it occurs, using various parameters to measure different variables, in a controlled environment. Though the program is rather complex it is easy to get a clear understanding of once enough time has been put in, and familiarity with the program has been established.

Though the program is not perfect, and can become rather repetitive with continuous, use the science behind the program is sound, and the educational potential cannot be understated. It may sound cliche, but this is the one of the few educational programs that I found to be genuinely fun to use, and despite the difficulties I had with it at first I believe it to be an excellent tool for teaching about evolution.

Avida-ED also comes with a tutorial which can help students and teacher alike build a familiarity with the basics of the program.

Image result for avida ed tutorial

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