Sunday, September 16, 2018

Google Drive

Have your students ever made excuses about losing their work because their laptop crashed or all of their work got lost because Powerpoint or Excel stopped working all of a sudden? Have you had so many documents and attachments in your email from students that you are disorganized yourself? Well, those excuses won’t work anymore from your students and you’ll never be disorganized as a teacher because of Google Drive! Google Drive is a file storage system created by Google. Google Drive allows users to store files and share them with other users. It is like an online desktop that you can give others access to and access yourself from any computer in the world. Google Drive also consists of Google Sheets, Docs and Slides. These are equivalent to Microsoft Excel, Word and Powerpoint. The best feature in the google based ones is that you are able to share your document with others and have them edit, and comment on it. This helps students in the classroom as they are able to work better in partners and groups. It also allows for students to have one place consisting of all of their work. It is an organized and neat way of working for both students and teachers. As a teacher, you are also able to save paper by sharing an assignment via Google Drive rather than printing it. If your web browser happens to crash or your laptop stops working, there is no need to worry. Google Drive saves everything you do at the very moment you do it. There is no better tool to use in both the classroom and in everyday life.

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