Monday, September 19, 2016

Virtual learning



The Michigan Department of Education decided that the online experience will globally enhance the learning experience.  By structuring a technology-based, educational upgrade, students will have gained worldwide, media rich lifelong learning experience.  Adding a virtual learning upgrade to teacher-lead direction will incorporate the global media experience and prepare students for future.  Students will be better prepared for higher education and the workforce.  The U.S.Department of education and the Michigan Board of Education recommended that every student have access to significant online learning opportunities.  To optimize 21st century learning, students will learn extensive communication strategies, employ technologies required for business and everyday living.

K-12 students will receive high-quality instruction as they transform their education experience.  The teacher-led format creates a web-based classroom where the teacher provides content and feedback for the students. Usually requiring strong computer skills, this online format uses emails, chat rooms and other technology tools.  My personal choice, the blended instruction format expands and reinforces the classroom experience, splitting the instruction base into in-house and online portions.  I think this is beneficial and allows students to complete assignments or do research at various hours regardless of our busy schedule.  The teacher-facilitated format allows for individual and small group reinforcement.  This virtual activity is probably for the independent learner.  The self-paced format has no teacher involvement. In my opinion, this is the least desirable online learning experience gives no opportunity to seek help, provides no learning environment, and works best for students that need little guidance.

Bottom line, Michigan wants all of its K-12students to take an online course. The course should be relevant, include teachers and students, use outside resources, and include a monitoring plan.  A successful online experience must collaborate with teachers, parents, students, and educators. It must also adhere to legal and ethical standards.


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