Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Blogger Technology: Using Canva to Create Interesting Graphics

As a personal blogger, I wanted to share one of my favorite resources with you: Canva!  I use Canva to create free(!) eye-catching graphics.  This is one of my favorite websites, because it saves me both money and time.  I no longer have to use Photoshop to edit and jazz up my photos and documents.

Now, you may be wondering, Why in the world is she sharing this Canva thing with us? Well, I got to thinking and figured that my fellow teachers would appreciate this resource to create engaging documents and images for the classroom.  Didn't we all agree that technology is something that makes our lives easier?

When it comes to PowerPoints, blogs, Facebook images, etc., wouldn't you rather see this...

versus this...?

You can even use Canva to make infographics!  SAY WHAT?!

Of course, as with any free resource on the internet, there is an option to pay for some upgraded features.  As students/teachers/bloggers, do we need this?  Heck no!  We can use this technology make free images that will get our students excited about learning!

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