Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I am currently employed at Childtime Preschool and I teach Pre-K. For my class I use the website and app called PreciouStatus. For each child, I am able to give a live feed which is sent straight to the parent’s email or they can download the app it will notify them when there is an update. I use this tool to update them on what activities their child did for the day as well as send them pictures of their child doing projects, if they had an accident at anytime, what they had for lunch and how much they ate, how long they slept at nap time, and their mood for throughout the day. This app also allows teachers to send notes to the parents via email for reminders and upcoming events.

I have found from parent reviews that not only does this app work well, but the parents absolutely love it! Dropping your child off at a preschool for the first time can be intimidating, but giving a live feed to the parents throughout of exactly what is happening with their child and photos to support it, they are much more at ease. Before we started using this website, we used paper daily sheets to give to the parents at the end of the day to let the parent know how the day went, but with this app, we have saved so much paper and the parents can actually save the photos they receive in their email onto their phones to keep. PreciouStatus is beneficial to parents as well as teachers and I love how it has helped me manage my classroom on a daily basis. 

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