Monday, September 19, 2016

Symbaloo start simple

As a Pre-K teacher I have ongoing professional development training classes that I’m required to attend throughout the school year. Some of the PD training, we are allowed to pick classes that would help enhance our teaching and learning in the classroom. Last year in a technology class, I learned about the program called Symbaloo. This program is a great tool not only for teachers but students and parents as well. Teachers can have the apps they use on a daily bases at their fingertips, all in one place and on all devices. Teachers and parents can add learning, games or the child’s favorite apps. The program is child friendly and easy to use. Student can click on the app they want and the program opens right up. I use Symbaloo in my Pre-K classroom and my students are able to select the programs that they want without asking me for help. Below you will find useful websites, you can watch videos about this program on YouTube or go to the different websites to learn more about Symbaloo.   
Image result for symbaloo
Symbaloo EDU
Symbaloo iPhone and iPad App YouTube
11 Ways to use Symbaloo in the classroom-The Edublogger

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