Monday, September 19, 2016

Communication through Social Media

It's crazy to think how much our country has progressed with the use of technology. Before the phones, the way of communication was through telegram or if you wanted to be really fancy, you wrote a letter. Soon after, text message became popular, which is really cool and a tool I still use today but have you ever communicated through social media? It's amazing! I mean yeah, it's like text message, maybe very similar but think about this: Have you ever wonder what your best friend from high school has been up to? Whom you haven't seen since 2010 or maybe even longer than that? With this incredible invention, you find them either on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc., chat and catch up and before you know it, you're going to see a movie with them later on tonight! Isn't that incredible? Communication has advanced tremendously, in my belief, because of social media. Who would have thought that I could find something would be possible? If you ever wanted to know social media is something you check out, my answer is yet. Check it out! Are you dying to get in contact with an old best friend? Social Media can help you. It's an incredible tool.

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