Monday, September 26, 2016

Technology in Schools

In today's academic world technology is getting stronger as we travel further in time. Instead of

traditional pencil and paper, public schools in the United States are handing out one computer for

five students. The amount spent on digital content costs about $3 billion each year. In 2015-2016

standardized tests taken by elementary and middle school students are being delivered through the

use of technology. One of the many benefits of technology in schools is that it reaches out to a more

diverse-student population. Digital devices, software and different learning platforms deliver many

options for students with different strengths, weaknesses, and learning pace. In 2013 and 14 schools

bought more than 23 million devices for their classrooms. Among those devices were I pads, and

chrome books. These devices in schools can help teachers organize class lessons for the

day.  Students benefit because it will allow them to grow and learn at their own pace and disability

level. Students will also become more technologically skilled, getting them ready for working in

today's modern workplaces. As time goes on, one day our future generation will be very well

technologically skilled, they will have the power to help generations and beyond.

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