Saturday, September 24, 2016

Social Media in Education

How does social media and the internet affect school?

In today’s world, everyone is connected all the time and that carries over into the classroom. Many students might seem disconnected from learning and only be interested in their phones, which takes away from their time to do homework and study. They might only rely on the internet to give them answers and take advantage of the accessibility. Since social media isn’t going to go away any time soon, there have to be ways to get around the negative parts of social media.

There are negatives to having social media in all aspects of life, but there are many ways that it helps us and makes life easier. Very young students will use social media, as well as older students. Not to mention all of the people that can now attend college online and work classes into their busy lives. Teachers now have to learn how to use and control the use of the internet and social media during school. Now students can collaborate inside and outside of school and we no longer need to meet in person to finish projects. Discussion can occur at any time and it is easier to get in contact with fellow students when it is needed. Teachers also use social media to connect with students about assignments and upcoming due dates, and with parents to keep them in the loop. Social media allows us to learn quicker and learn more about our world than before, and it will continue to evolve and take us even farther in the future. 

Links to look at!

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