Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Notebook vs. Digital Notebook

I've always been one to write down all my notes on a piece of paper or notebook from home. I know how easier it would be to maybe put them on a Digital Pad or Digital Notebook but something about a simple pen and paper make me feel more accomplished. It's amazing how much I consider myself a "tech savvy" but still like to stick with the basics. In today's era, in a classroom or maybe in a work meeting, you see various people pull out their tablets or Apple Laptops or maybe even their phones. Then, there are some who, like myself, enjoy the pen and paper idea. Why is that so? I like to believe that there is still some security in a simple hardcover notebook. Although I enjoy technology, files tend to get lost, erased, or deleted forever. And then you're left panicking, wondering how you're going to get it all back in time. My rule of thumb: Always keep a hard copy just in case something drastic happens.

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