Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Nicole Lane-EDT 211-9/21/16

          Nicole Lane

                                             How Technology affects 21st century Teachers.

   As I was reflecting in my EDA 205 class, we discussed how technology affects 21st century teachers. One of the number one challenges for current teachers is how technology has “flattened” out world, flattened meaning technological advances have provided greater access to information and jobs. The information has become global, so as the U.S Transitions into the ”information age” teaching/ teachers and schools need to change with the rest of the world, just as they did when entering into the 19th century. Students in the 21st century learned in a flat world, although their teachers may not have. In order for the teacher to teach they have to understand how the students learn.  A man named Friedman said “ learning in a flat world has become easier for student’s, but it has also made education more difficult and complex”. Social media has distracted students from the traditional way of learning, its like they no longer have the patience to read a chapter in a book, they use Google to tell them a summary of a chapter, or an answer to any question they have. Teachers soon will start moving away from an out dated, broadcast style pedagogy and towards a student focused multimodal pedagogy, where the teacher is no longer in the “transmission of data business but in the customizing learning experiences for students business”- Friedman. Friedman also stated that “over 15 million k-12 students are currently enrolled in some sort of online education” to me this statement proves that education is changing, therefore the teachers have to evolve with the students, even if it is challenging.

 The Journal- Technology challenges in education.

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