Monday, September 26, 2016

Technology Taking Over Kids

  As an educator I have realized that over the last couple of years technology has become increasing popular in classrooms and for young children. I’ve noticed children two and three years old and they’re able to operate ipads, cellphones, and tablets. Although it has its pro’s and con’s, I think it is overall hindering children of this generation. Technology is very helpful in the classroom but I don’t think it should be so accessible to children especially at a young age. Technology is helpful when it comes to using it for educational purposes. But I think using technology to play games, watch movies, and more is not useful to children. I read an article online that described how parents are becoming concerned with technology being used in classrooms because they feel that students will be lacking the basic skills. Many students cannot even do basic math without using their calculators on their devices. The other concern with technology becoming so popular is children’s social skills. Many children are use to playing ipads and things at home that they never really reach there potential socially. So the next time you want to give your young child or even teenager access to so much technology think about all the effects it has on the child in the long run.

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