Saturday, January 19, 2019

Watch Out Grocery Stores, Marty the Robot Is Coming Your Way!

Marty the Robot is a robot that may be coming to a store near you. No, he is not taking over the store or taking over people's jobs, he is making them easier. Marty the Robot rolls around the store looking for potential hazards in the aisles or spills that may be on the ground. He then alerts the staff, who can then come clean it up. He also checks the stock of each item in every aisle and then alerts the staff if there is shortage so they can come and fill up the shelfs so they are stocked for each and every customer. Lastly, he is able to check the barcode on each product to ensure that when it is scanned up front that it matches its price in the back of the store. All of this is done so that the staff can spend more time helping and communicating with customers and less time doing things that are not needed at every moment in time.

In many states including Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia they already have this new helper in their Giant Food Stores, a supermarket more common in these states. But during these next six months over 174 supermarkets across these four states will be receiving their very own Marty the Robot. But this is not only in the USA. Ahold Delhaize, giants parent company, which is located in the Netherlands, will also be incorporating Marty into their supermarkets. Which will increase the number of 174 Marty’s to over 500 Marty’s.

Many people who have come to the Giant Food Stores have either loved him being in the store or some are confused but are not fazed by it. Many people think it is super cool to have him in their stores. They even take pictures with him! Having Marty in all grocery stores could really ease the workload at each and every store making it easier for the workers to help customers more. 

How would you feel if a robot like Marty came into your store, not to steal people’s jobs, but to help them be more efficient in their job and create a better store overall?

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