Thursday, January 24, 2019

Desmos is a free-to-use online scientific and graphing calculator website. In this website, you can practically do anything that a very expensive calculator can do with only the typing of the web address. It can graph any number of complicated formulas, whether sine, cosine, tangent, etc. It can do all the basic operations like multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division, as well as logarithms, e calculations, absolute values, inequalities, and various others. It also has a teaching function, allowing you to view examples of concepts from an online teacher, playing games/challenges related to subjects, you name it! All of this and more for free.
The only few criticisms I have of it are the inability to use it on a test as well as the somewhat confusing ways to input various operations by keyboard. These are both minor problems, but it’s enough to use it as a sort of homework helper rather than an everyday thing.

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