Thursday, January 24, 2019

Enhance Participation and Cultural Understanding Through Linkr!

If you are a college student, chances are at one point or another you have taken an online class. In online classes, often professors utilize discussions in order to increase participation and communication in students. This idea sets the stage for linkr, which is a global educational network with the intention of increasing interactivity, connection, and an opportunity for students to explore their interests. All the while, teachers are able to monitor this process and facilitate their learning. Both teachers and students will appreciate all the benefits of linkr, teachers will particularly enjoy the continuous updates on student progress and grow an understanding of their students mental processes as they publish their own original work and collaborate with others. For example, students can be assigned an essay in their English class and are instructed to post their work on this forum to receive feedback from other students. The teacher can either restrict accessibility of their work to only their classes or make them availability internationally. The benefit to this is that students will be provided with the opportunity to analyze and experience that challenges of intercultural communication, furthering the foundational mission of linkr, which is to enhance students’ participation in conversation and prominent issues or topics that arise. Other than increasing student knowledge of multicultural education, students will also enjoy the personalization, opening of doors, and meaningfulness of this forum. For example, students make the class their own through their published content related to the coursework and the doors that open through those publications like enabling students to connect with other students from around the world. Linkr does not support busy work, so students will tend to care about this work since they are publicly sharing their work that will display their own interests and ideas. Linkr provides many opportunities for student growth and teacher’s benefit from the organization of this forum and the ability to assess and communicate with their students in a way that keeps them engaged.

Learn more about Linkr here!

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