Thursday, January 24, 2019


Desmos is a fantastic online tool for any math or science instructor. Desmos, essentially, is an online graphing calculator. However, Desmos recently created activities for instructors to use in the classroom. Instead of placing your old TI-83 on the overhead projector and watch the students cringe at the archaic "pea soup" monochromatic display, go on Desmos and bask in its colorful & visual glory. Desmos also has a Learn section, which teachers can use as a supplement to a concept such as Pythagorean Theorem or students can use to visualize and grasp a concept. Desmos can also be used in an art class. Use math to draw a Camaro! It encourages students to practice math skills. It also encourages creativity and curiosity. Immediately, students can see what a rate of change or a variable can do to an expression. Because it is free, it is very accessible. Students without graphing calculators at home can use this online tool for their homework. Overall, I believe Desmos can be a fun way to learn!

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