Thursday, January 31, 2019


1SecondEveryday is an app/website that you take a video of a second of your day everyday. It is like a personal journal but in video form. I started using this July 1st of 2018 and so far I have a three minute and thirty second video of my life from then until now. It is a cool tool to have to capture moments that you do not want to forget. Instead of remembering just the chunks and pieces of life, this app allows you to remember at least one thing from everyday. How awesome is that? After using the app consistently over a long period of time, you can watch your life day by day in movie form. To bring this into the teaching/learning aspect, a teacher can download the app and take a video of their students every day throughout the school year doing different activities or lessons. As the year progresses the teacher will be able to see how the students grow and things change throughout the school year. There is many different ways to integrate this awesome piece of technology into a classroom and make it an enjoyable process for both the students and the teachers.

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