Thursday, January 24, 2019

Does Taking Notes Make You Anxious? Note Anymore- Thanks for Livescribe SmartPen!

The Livescribe smartpen is an incredibly innovative and useful resource for taking notes in class. Syncing written and spoken word has never been easier. This pen captures more than just words, but even symbols, diagrams, and scribbles. This pen can even translate your written words into a different language! Tapping anywhere on the notes will make the pen play back what was written and those notes can all be transferred to a PC or Mac. The best part about this smartpen is the accessibility, the notes can be accessed at all times from an iOS or Android device. This pen will also increase instruction time because it can capture and archive a lecture so the students can listen to the lessons as many times as they need and also accommodates all students learning styles as those archived lessons can be aurally or visually interactive. Students will appreciate the ability to look back on instruction so they can learn on their own time and can even share their own “pencasts” through interactive PDF’s. Teachers will benefit from this smartpen because they can build Electronic Student Portfolios to monitor their progress, easily identify student misunderstandings by actually hearing the students’ verbal justification of their answers, and their thought processes. This resource increases peer collaboration in the classroom and promotes progressive and dynamic educational environments. Accommodating different learning styles is a huge advantage of this smartpen. Many students experience anxiety when taking notes because they are falling behind or are not able to comprehend the information in the time allotted, but the use of this pen eliminates those worries which builds a student’s confidence and independence. The unlimited amount of times a student can listen to their notes and the simplicity and advantages of using this pen provide teachers and students alike with an opportunity to comprehend new information or assess work in a more reliable and easy way.

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