Thursday, January 24, 2019

Socrative- The App to Bridge the Communication Gap Between Teachers and Students!

Socrative is an app intended to enhance the quality of communication between a teacher and their students. In the free version of this app, it provides the opportunity for teachers to create quizzes, polls, on the fly questioning, assessments, real-time results, and to make accessing this all the more simple it is accessible from any device. Using this app in the classroom helps students feel safer and more comfortable asking questions since they are not forced to raise their hand, but instead can ask it through the app for the teacher to answer. Another benefit to this app is how easily a teacher can create their own unique quizzes for the students to begin the class in order to turn their focus to the topic of the day. For example, the questions could ask students to pick a theme that stands out to them throughout a novel they are reading to assess what they are noticing through their reading and what they need help understanding. These valuable resources can be available to fifty students per session in one public room which gives Socrative the ability to reach a large community and assist them in creating stronger communication between students and teachers. If this is not enough, there are upgrades available to K-12 and higher education which allow up to 10 public or private rooms as well as shareable links, countdown timers, and restricted access with student ID. The cost for these upgrades are very reasonable at $60 and $100 considering the unlimited possibilities provided by this app in aiding students and faculty alike through their educational journey.

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