Thursday, January 24, 2019

Noisy Classroom? No problem- download "Too Noisy!"

Too Noisy is a necessary app for all Elementary school teachers or any teacher who may need help with behavior management. The intention of this app is to discourage negative behavior by utilizing the microphone on an iPad to assess the noise level which makes an alarm go off when the volume exceeds the acceptable level. The sound of the alarm can be changed depending on what the teacher thinks their students will respond well to or what sound fits into the classroom style. Outside of managing student volume, there are many other advantages within this app. For example, there is a reward system that the teacher regulates that allows students to win “stars,” and the students desire to gain stars can be increased depending on how teachers value the reward system. The use of visual aids in this app is prominent, for example this app keeps track of the time to further assess when students should receive stars, perhaps on a ten minute interval, giving students a visual reminder of how close they are to earning another star. Teachers also control the noise sensitivity level based on the lesson plan for the day. If students are collaborating, perhaps the teacher would set the sensitivity level to “group,” while during a lecture it may be set to “silent.” Another awesome way to integrate this app into the school environment is by bringing them to theatre rehearsals or class assemblies so the speaker(s) can make sure that they are speaking at a reasonable and audible level. The personalization within the app gains and keeps student attention and allows teachers to monitor that attention and noise level over the course of an entire term. This app will assist the teacher in managing student behavior and the students will not mind because they are earning rewards along the way!

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