Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Today I have a wonderful gift to share with you. That gift is Kurzgesagt. You're welcome.

Have you ever gone down one of those internet rabbit holes where you jump from link to link to learn about a topic? It often happens on pages like Wikipedia, and you almost always end up at a place you never thought you would. Start with looking at a page about wolves and end up learning how stars are born. It is a fantastic way to waste time that I partake in frequently. A similar process can take place on Youtube, where you finish one video and see what suggestions are there to watch next. Two hours later and you've watched some stuff you never would have normally. You've also actually learned a few things.

Kurzgesagt is the Youtube rabbit hole operating at maximum potential. They have videos focused on explaining scientific, economic, and philosophic concepts, as well as the questions these concepts beget. In order to fully explain a concept or answer a hypothetical question, Kurzgesagt must effectively teach you about the concept. This usually involves teaching you concepts that are related to the concept in question, which is the rabbit hole staple. The teaching style employed in these videos is so well-executed that I'm convinced elementary students could understand highly complex ideas. Kurzgesagt explains concepts in simple terms using aesthically pleasing images to drive the point home. A comforting atmosphere is curated by the soft tone of voice from the narrator and the minimalistically beautiful illustrations. This is important, as many of the concepts covered lead to dark and dreadful thoughts.

What kind of concepts are covered? Wormholes. Universal Basic Income. Optimistic Nihilism. The Fermi Paradox (which is why we haven't met any aliens even though they most likely exist). And all of these videos will play one right after the other. Think of all the astronomically complex things you will have learned from a night of Kurzgesagt Youtube watching versus normal Youtube watching. You'd understand how extraterrestrial colonization works instead of how many hot wings Snoop can eat in one sitting. You're welcome.

The connections for education are clear. I can learn from Kurzgesagt how to be a more effective teacher. My students can use Kurzgesagt as an extended learning resource. I definitely want to make a video in this vain at some point, and maybe I'll make my students do the same. I hope you will utilize these connections as well, but if not, I hope you just watch some of the videos and then talk to me about them. Please.

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