Saturday, October 6, 2018



Bloomz is a really cool social networking app for classrooms. I have never used bloomz in the classroom specifically however I can see its potential.  From bloomz you can post content for the whole classroom to see add videos and send class updates to everyone. Individually you can message parents communicate with them directly and update them on their child. From bloomz you can coordinate parent teacher conference signups. In addition to parent teacher conference sign ups you can inform parents about upcoming events and send out a signup list for volunteers or donations for class events. I like this feature because it simplifies your paperwork and streamlines the signup process and keeps everything in one place. In addition to all of the cool organization and informational features bloomz also has a behavior management feature so you can update parents on their child’s behavior in the classroom. Bloomz can also replace your classroom calendar because it will keep track of all of your upcoming events for the classroom and give out reminders for you. Overall bloomz will cut down on your paperwork and keep everything rolled up into one app, so you’re not juggling through multiple app in a day. 

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