Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Google Arts & Culture

Image result for google art and culture

Google Arts & Culture is an excellent resource for extending learning beyond the classroom. Using a variety of Google technologies, users can explore art and culture through works of art, museums, and reading about art news and art movements. 

Students can get up close and personal with historical artifacts by exploring them with 3D generated models, use Google street view to take virtual tours of museums all over the world, and use Google Maps to find local museums, sites, and exhibits, which could serve as a starting point for family trips or field trips. Students can also curate their own online galleries, by selecting artifacts and works of art that appeal to them personally or fit into some predetermined theme or question.

While this app does not supply teachers with lesson plans, there are countless ways Google Arts & Culture can be integrated into the classroom experience. Whether they are taking virtual tours, closely examining individual art pieces, or researching art movements, this app opens up the whole world of culture and human creativity to students. 

In history classes, for example, students could explore St. Paul’s Cathedral and study the religious history imbedded in its iconography and its sculptures. In science classes, students could take a virtual field trip to the Carlsbad Caverns and study bats. Art students could curate galleries that showcase different art movements or styles. This is an amazing resource with endless applications.

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