Monday, February 27, 2017

Learning Resources Stem Force and Motion Activity Set

Students have a chance to use this kit to learn and experiment with gravity, friction, inertia and push/pull to name a few while using a range of objects to test with.  This kit will get students to think about multiple types of skills such as coding, engineering, problem solving, and critical thinking to name a few.  In the class this could be a issue if you tried to do it with each student individual but as a separate activity that they could do during say free time it would be extremely helpful since it gives them a  chance to be creative while still learning.  The main reason I wouldn’t recommend using this as a whole class activity or even with multiple students using it at once is because this kit promotes and encourages creativity and for students to try new things which is going to happen less if the students have their friends who are doing it one way and then they either brag about how theirs work or become upset that it didn’t and yell at the person who did that they were bragging.  By doing it with either smaller groups—2-3 kids—or individually students are given more  of a chance to test things that they might not otherwise test or try.

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