Sunday, February 5, 2017

A Tired Child's Best Friend

The advances in technology make the world a very easy place for children to learn in. Even when a child is ill and staying in the hospital, they are still able to learn through technology. Often children suffering from cancer and other illnesses can be exhausted daily and not want to put in the energy to read a lesson. A software downloadable through Google chrome can make this easier for children. The software, Announcify will read out loud any information on a webpage. This way a child can receive a lesson from their teacher or a Child Life Specialist as a Google Doc. The child can then open the Google Doc, and have Announcify read it aloud to them, so they don’t have to stare at the computer screen to attempt to learn. Announcify is wonderful and can be adjusted to fit each child’s needs. Users can adjust the speed, volume, and pitch of the reading to their preference. You can also pause the reading at any given time to take a break. This wonderful and easy to use technology will make the struggle of keeping up with school while in the hospital a little easier. 

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