Monday, February 20, 2017



Schools and classrooms are interactive places where students and teachers communicate, share ideas, and common goals. The best way to reach them in todays technology is through the Internet. The Internet is a great learning recourse because it allows students and teachers to communicate with each other, whether it be via email or blackboard. Students and educators are able to access many different sites for educational purposes. With technology being so advance, classrooms are not taught manually anymore; they are now automatic and most things can be done by longing on to a website using the internet. Most classrooms and educators are advanced and prefer to use the internet for students to access homework, class assignments as well as exams. The internet is also eco friendly because students use less paper since most assignments and exams are done online. There is no need for students and teachers to waste paper anymore. All assignments can be graded online while most can be automatically graded depending on the teachers set up. Registering for classes has become so much easier. Now students can register for classes online and teachers can view their classrooms as well as instruct online. It's all the convenience teachers need and students need because now their classes are on the go. Another great thing about the internet is its accessibility. If a student misses a lecture, they can view the teachers notes and assignments online. There is no excuse for students to be behind in class. This only gives them more reason to excel!

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