Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Image result for epals connections
Connecting, communicating, and collaborating; this is what ePals does with classrooms all around the world. You can not only collaborate with different classrooms in different states or countries, but you can also connect your students with other students from those classrooms. This would be great in a social studies class where you can create pen-pals for your students. You can create lessons that you share with other classrooms, so that you will be doing the same thing they are doing, at the same time, halfway across the world. There is also one more aspect to ePals, which is exploring challenges. By going onto the ‘exploring challenges’ section of ePals you will find all different types of educational challenges for your students. There’s an ‘invent it’ challenge, a folklorist challenge, even an Alexander Hamilton challenge for the English classes. This challenge is given to any student all over the world. You will be having your students compete with the best and brightest. This ePals website will connect your class with the world. 

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