Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Many students feel intimidated to answer in front of the whole classroom in fear of being wrong and being teased at by their peers, therefore they do not participate much. Due to such situations teachers end up not knowing what students know, what their misconceptions are, and what they need to discuss more. But with Clickers, this problem can now be solved. Clickers help teachers of all age groups, even professors, to get a better understanding of what their students know and understand and what they don't understand before closing a unit without putting anyone on the spot. Clickers are designed to give all students a voice to show their teachers their understanding on all subjects without putting pressure on them of having wrong answers. Teachers provide all students with individual Clickers and then will post multiple choice questions for the whole class, in which the students will choose the answers with their Clickers anonymously. The Clickers have A, B, C, D, and E, buttons that allow students to choose the answer they believe is correct. The teacher then receives the answers that the students chose and will see how many students answered correctly and incorrectly. With such results, teachers will see what misconceptions the students have about a certain subject and what they need to cover more. Also, student participation will increase.

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