Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Celluon Magic Cube

The Celluon Magic Cube is a great supplemental device for your students to have if they are carrying around tablets or other bluetooth capable devices that don't have keyboards. The Magic Cube can connect to your students device through bluetooth and then it becomes a multi touch mouse and projects a keyboard. The students will be able to carry the small Magic Cube with them in their pockets and it will make typing and using a tablet or other device to its full potential much easier. The Magic Cube would probably be for late middle school students or older just because you are entrusting the student to carry an expensive piece of technology with them. The Magic Cube comes in multiple colors and is compatible with iOS4 and later, Mac OS10 and later, Android 2.0 and later, Windows XP/Vista/7 and later, and any Bluetooth HID devices. The Magic Cube can also detect 350 characters per minute and its battery lasts approximately 150 minutes. The Magic Cube costs $280 but if your school has the money and they are using some kind of tablets with their students, they would be smart to improve the students experience with the Celluon Magic Cube.

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