Saturday, January 16, 2016

Using Wii Fit for Physical Education in Schools

Many students dread physical education classes in school. Besides the very athletic children, many students feel embarrassed or uninterested in gym classes. I know I did. It had to do with how most physical education teachers taught the class. Often favoring the athletic people, the teachers would design their lesson plans assuming that everyone was equally fit. Their activities were not designed to improve their students’ health or fitness level. Instead, they would focus every week on teaching a different sport.

A way to improve physical education classes can be through technology that almost every student enjoys— video games. The Wii can be used to teach the students about different techniques, all while monitoring their progress. The Wii Fit offers a wide variety of challenges and lessons that focus on strength training, aerobics, balance, and yoga. By monitoring the player, who stands on the Wii Balance Board, a virtual trainer is able to track one’s performance and offer suggestions based on it. The Wii Balance Board is also able to measure weight and BMI. It allows the player to set weekly or monthly goals based on their health.

Although it is difficult for schools to provide a Balance Board for each student, a few Balance Boards can be effective, as well. Students can take turns using the board. Those without the board can still follow along to the trainer’s instructions and learn how to do lunges, planks, sun salutation, deep breathing, etc.

The Wii can be an effective tool to engage students and get them excited about gym class. Through the Wii, teachers can monitor student’s progress and teach them about various exercises or concepts they did not know of.


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