Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is an website that facilitates live, interactive polling for a wide variety of contexts.  There are several suggested uses for this website and a variety of pricing schemes ranging from free to $1,999+.  For K-12 settings, instructors can sign up for free and can create polls with a maximum of 40 responses allowed.  The responses can be organized in a variety of ways, including word clouds and text walls that populate as the responses are received from students as this video demonstrates.  The more frequently the word is used, the larger it becomes.  These word clouds or text walls can be used in PowerPoints, full-screen internet presentations, and can be customized to look how you want them too.  

There are also great uses in the school setting beyond the classroom.  One example of how this website can be used is to communicate with parents.  This website provides some useful ideas on how to use Poll Everywhere to engage with parents.  If you are wondering about how this can be used in your classroom and the requirements, here is a link to a video that provides useful information.

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