Tuesday, January 26, 2016

3D Printers In Classrooms

Dremel has created a 3D printer specifically for educational purposes. The Dremel 3D Idea Builder is selling for $1,000. Since it is the size of a relatively small microwave oven, it can easily be placed in a classroom. It is specifically designed to be quieter than other 3D printers, so that it does not distract students from working in the class. This printer comes with 10 lesson plans and 3D model kits that teachers can utilize to enhance students’ learning. Dremel has designed the printer primarily to increase student engagement and understanding with STEAM (Science, Techonology, Engineering, and Math) subjects. Students are no longer restricted to visualizing charts or models; instead, they can create real prototypes to further their knowledge.

Since 3D printers let individuals make any product with the click of a button, it increases creativity and opens the door to many possibilities in the education world. I think 3D printers will definitely be utilized in the future, not only in STEAM subjects, but in other areas too. It would be useful for Geography class, since teachers can make models of rivers, canyons, or other formations around the world. In History classes, such printers can be used to make replicas of artifacts from museums. The possibilities with a 3D printers are endless. Instead of traditionally viewing pictures on lecture slides, this printer will excite students and create a hands-on learning experience for them.


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