Friday, January 29, 2016

Rubrics made easy

   Since we are all prospective teachers, we have many days ahead of us that will be filled with the stressful task of making grading rubrics to assess our students on their comprehension of our lessons. Luckily a free website called Rubistar takes this stress away!

   Rubistar is a website that is full of rubric templates for project-based learning activities in almost every subject. All you need to do is go to the website (linked below) and choose the category for the rubric you need. Next, all of the possible rubrics for lessons under your selected category are shown. Just pick the one that best suits your lesson and you're set. The template will already have categories and focus points set up. If these categories or points are not exactly what you had in mind, they are all customizable. This means you as the teacher can make edits to whatever you need to make it correlate perfectly with your lesson.

   Rubistar offers the option to make a free account, where rubrics can be saved and edited any time as well as accessed anywhere. All of the rubrics are printable and easy to navigate. If you don't have time or just don't feel like making another account online, that's no problem. Rubistar can be used without an account, and the only drawback is not being able to save the rubrics you create and go back and edit them later. A solution to this would be once you have them printed, to keep them on file. Or just make an account and save them electronically, whichever way is best for you as the teacher. To ensure that the rubrics are quality, each one has a link you can go to and see who contributed to it. This website is great to take the stress away that comes with creating rubrics, it is simple, easy, and efficient!

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