Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Understanding History

Browsing the web, I came across a really neat website called GoSocialStudiesGo.  The website is packed with resources that mostly concentrate on United States and World history.   The site provides some textual information on historical events, but also shows some primary sources like photographs and even documents from the era.  GoSocialStudiesGo is a perfect resource to use if you want to teach history and further your students understanding of historical content.  

Along with the historical text provided, it is important to note that the text is written in a way for students to understand the information being taught to them.  In my educational experiences, I noticed that my peers would have difficulty understanding the language that was used in a particular era.  I remember one instance in which my classmates and I had a group project where we had to explain the significance of a primary source.  My peers struggled to figure out the significance of the source because the language used was very difficult to comprehend.  With the resource GoSocialStudiesGo, students can understand the significance of certain historical content.  That way, there is no confusion and history can be a fun and engaging subject for all!

GoSocialStudiesGo would definitely be a resource I would use in my classroom, if I teach history in the near future.  I really want my students to understand the content I am teaching, so I think that this resource is a great way to further their understanding, but in a way that they can understand. I believe that by making the social studies curriculum more relevant for high school students, it will actually allow the students to enjoy learning social studies instead of finding the material irrelevant or difficulty to understand.  This content is vital to learn since it will be knowledge that they will carry with them the rest of their lives.  It is important as social studies majors that we make this content relevant for our students.  

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