Thursday, January 14, 2016

The "flipped" Classroom - A new approach to use technology in education

       One of the lowest ranking schools in Detroit is called Clintondale classroom. Administrators, board members, and the community at large have worked hard to establish many different methods to approach the education of the youth in that school in hopes of a better outcome and primarily a rise in the standardized test scores. 

       The school decided to incorporate the use of technology in their education plan for better results. The established what is called the "flipped" classroom method. This meaning that homework is done in class, while lectures are via the internet every night from home. This does not sound like the traditional classroom routine that were used to; in fact, it is the exact opposite. However, many teachers and administrators report that there has been a rising improvement with student grades and test performances. 

      Every night, when students get home they know to open their computers, tablets, or what ever technology resource they use to either watch a lecture recorded by the instructor and take notes or go through a PowerPoint created to summarize the lesson and take notes. Students are expected to take precise notes each night about the lesson and come to class with any questions or concerns that they have about the lesson. The instructor will take a few moments in the beginning of class the next day to address these questions and review key elements. Then as a class, students are expected to jump right into the homework as the instructor circulates around the classroom to help students throughout the homework assignment. 

       This is an interesting approach to implementing technology in education in a positive way where the school has really noticed a dramatic increase in student performance and overall grades. One instructor explained that it is almost impossible for students to have missing assignments because they do it in class and with the help or assistance of the instructor available. This increases student understanding and motivation to complete the assignment. 

      I'll be honest, when I first read about this approach, I thought to my self that this is ridiculous because it totally conflicts with our traditional classroom that were used to. However, after I realized what an impact it can make to better results in educating students I thought it is brilliant. However, my number one concern which was not discussed is what happens if a student lacks a technology device to use at home for access of the lecture notes? This is an important factor to consider especially in the city of Detroit where there are many low-income house holds and perhaps parents can not afford internet and a computer or a technological device for their child's academic use.
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