Saturday, January 23, 2016

As a full time student and a full time employee, finding ample time to study can be challenging. So finding tools that can help save time while studying is crucial. Have you ever used flashcards to study? This method works very well for myself, but the time it takes to write out these flashcards is valuable time wasted. What if there was a way to make flashcards in half the time? Well, there is. is a website where one can make digital notecards. is a tool used through Google. Once you sign in with your Google account, you can make as many flashcards as you would like. You can save these flashcards in different categories and publish them to fellow students. It is really that simple. is a free website that can be used by anyone. Once your flashcards are made you can go back, edit, or delete at any time. You can also add videos, voice recordings, pictures, and audio. There are also many other ways to study with, such as, using a different spreadsheet to make a quiz show like set up. You can decide on categories, points, questions, and answers. This tool can be used to study individually or in a group.

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