Saturday, January 30, 2016

Organizing ideas at

Students today eat, sleep, and live with technology, so implementing digital tools in the classroom is very crucial. This can be intimidating for teachers, new and long time teachers. Every time I come across, or hear about a website or app that can be used in an educational setting, I do my research for future use. A little while back, I was introduced to

Popplet is an app where you can customize and interact with graphics and organize ideas. Unfortunately, popplet  is not available for android devices. The apple store has a free version called popplet lite, which only allows one popplet at a time. There is also a free version for $4.99, that allows multiple popplets at a time. There is also a website at which is also free. This app is used to make boxes, arrows, text, different fonts, and pictures to make flow charts, character maps, etc.

Popplet is easy to use, and keeps children's attention. This app can be used by teachers in the classroom, or students of all ages in and out of the classroom. This tool can be used individually, in groups, or a class as a whole. This app can be used in lessons to make relations between items, organizing information, studying, and to help students make visual connections. In or out of the of the classroom, this app can also be used for organizing, planning, brainstorming, taking notes, and generating new ideas.

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